What is Health Equity?
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation offers a definition: “Health equity means that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as health as possible. This requires removing obstacles to health such as poverty, discrimination, and their consequences, including powerlessness and lack of access to good jobs with fair pay, quality education and housing, safe environments, and health care.”
What are Social Determinants of Health and Enabling Services?
Mahalo to our health center partners for your valuable feedback throughout the development of the videos, and to Lee-Ann Heely, Director of Innovation and Transformation at West Hawai‘i Community Health Center, for lending your voice to this project.
For more information on how to start collecting SDOH data, visit the PRAPARE website here: PRAPARE
For more information on how to start collecting Care Enabling Services data, visit the following link: CARE ENABLING
Responding to identified social needs
Aloha United Way (2-1-1) - https://www.auw211.org/s/
Findhelp.org - https://www.findhelp.org/
Unite Hawai‘i - https://hawaii.uniteus.com/
Care Enabling Services Toolkit
Care Enabling Services Data Collection Implementation Packet: https://aapcho.org/enabling-services-data-collection-implementation-packet/